Saturday, May 19, 2018

The View from This Side of the Fence

It is a very hot day today on the Gaza border. Over 42 Celsius. No shade anywhere. What surprise expects us this morning?

Friday, May 18, 2018

Argentina Begs IMF Bondage

Without opposition, Argentina asked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a loan that would allow it to stop the run on the peso. Macri and his Finance Minister Nicolas Dujovne congratulated themselves for their elegant solution. The Argentine press continued focused on futbol (soccer) and TV actresses's asses.

Dujovne repeated some smart-sounding nonsense imbecilities like "gradualismo es hijo de algo superior, pragmatismo" and "se armó un clima de angustia en la sociedad porque ir al Fondo trae el recuerdo de otras épocas en las que se acudía en otras condiciones." Meaning: "They tried to create a climate of fear, because the IMF bring back the memories of other times".

No one tried to bring back memories to me, they arrived by themselves. I remember the seventies in Buenos Aires, the mass street demonstrations against the arrival of a IMF representative, followed by sanguinary repression by mounted gendarmes. The IMF demanded immediate devaluation of the peso, to free up the system of controlled prices for basic foodstuffs. It imposed freezing salaries in a Weimar-like inflationary economy. Argentine working class, having enjoyed Peron's populist policies, found themselves starving and without money to buy the traditional end of year "pan dulce".

The consequence of the IMF's recessionary regime caused widespread suffering and the fall of the government, and eventually the return of Peron to power.

Like everything, IMF's rule in Argentina was corrupt. Finance Minister Kruger Vasena, being in the secret of coming devaluation, bought up many estancias and factories, all  to be paid in pesos. Worthless pesos.   

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dr Nassar screwed 332 girls

Sports doctor Lawrence G. Nassar, the Michigan State University physician who reportedly  sexually abused 332 young women while under his medical treatment, was condemned to one hundred years of jail, and his employer, the university, will pay $500 million to the victims.  The university has lost prestige and resources. Why should universities pay for sex? Pic.: the judge.

Rape is the most severely punished crime in our days. In the Bible, 3000 years ago, the punishment was even more severe: stoning. The difference is that today, for all his perseverance and hard work, Nassar did not generate even one baby and did not cheat anyone of his legitimate descendant. He did not hurt physically any one of the girls, but certainly did confuse them a lot. Nassar is misprogrammed for today's world: "misfit" is the perfect word to describe him.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

National IQ set - Updated

James Thompson published the latest updating of  national IQ. The note does not mention IQ results per country, only the colored map above, which obscures the actual results, and has one guessing them. One cannot extract any conclusion about countries too small to figure on the map, for example Israel. Presumably, this way of hiding the conclusions was adopted to avoid hurting any nation. Anyway, we can see that Venezuela is dumb but Ecuador is the dumbest in America. Syria also appears low on the scale. Romania is the dumbest spot in Europe. Japan, Taiwan, Singapur are points on the blue extreme.

Gaza Environmental Disaster

Right a pic of raw sewage flowing in one of Gaza's raw sewage streams. The summer is coming, cholera epidemics are around the corner. But the Palestinians are focused in invading Israel.

No pasaran!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Environmental criminals

The Palestinians in Gaza are burning thousands of  rubber tires and polluting the air with particles that give cancer to those breathing it. Those savages are poisoning Earth's atmosphere.

The world is mute.

HaAretz Scandalized

Front page news in that despicable antiZionist fishwrap HaAretz. High school student attending a play at the local Auditorium (pic) were separated by gender, that is, the girls were sent to sit behind. This is my very own city, Kever Benjamin, number two in educational achievements and number one in volunteering for front line army service. Foreign readers think that we must be worried to death by the shooting on the Gaza frontier or by the nightly exchange of missiles between Israel and Iran. They do not understand what really worries us: boys sitting next to girls.